Monday, October 11, 2010

I Need Your Vote and Support! Let's Explore Paradise Together!

As some of you may know I am right in the middle of the most exciting journey of my life! Literally, sitting on the computer one day, exploring job postings, this amazing opportunity popped up in my search. After I read the posting, I thought "this can't be true" there is no way they are actually going to pay someone to do this job! Well, it is true and here I am just over 2270 votes later....aiming for my dream job!

Here's the gig....  Paradise Hunter is searching for the next TV Series host. In this job, I will travel around the world to 12 different places exploring the cultures, people, community and the many ex-pats who have already discovered why each place is "paradise" to them. It's a one year deal that pays $60,000 to travel around the world trying to discover "my paradise" as we share all the ins and outs with the viewers (who are also discovering their paradise).

I am currently in 5th place to win (the first round of voting and casting) and need several hundred more to stay in the top five. So, please pass this to your friends and family and ask them to help an Austin gal land her dream job ;-) You can vote once per day until November 5, 2010. Thank you so much for your support!

Vote HERE:

Paradise Hunter Overview Video

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