I hope that your travels expand your life and allow you views of the world you never thought possible. Travel, love, laugh, don't plan too much, and take lots of pics!
I am applying to become the next Paradise Hunter. This job will allow me to travel and to help grow their brand through social media marketing. We will travel the world and produce the film series, but also blog, post pics, post video, update FB, Twitter, Digg, StumleUpon, etc, in an effort to promote their brand. I am currently 14th out of 693 applicants!
I am applying to become the next Paradise Hunter. This job will allow me to travel and to help grow their brand through social media marketing. We will travel the world and produce the film series, but also blog, post pics, post video, update FB, Twitter, Digg, StumleUpon, etc, in an effort to promote their brand. I am currently 14th out of 693 applicants!